Dehydration is the removal of water coming from the ground or water which contaminated the oil prior to entering the dehydrator. Desalting is the addition and emulsification of dilution water tollowed by dehydration of the oil in a desalter. The simplified desalting pocess schene is as follows


Recovered petroleum crude oil from reservoirs includes several impurities such as, drilling water, salts & sand and polymers. In order to remove these impurities from crude oil, desalting systems are used which is also known as oil desalting systems. Oil desalting systems is used to remove salts from oil so that it can be processed in a refinery. If in case oil is not treated with the desalting systems then the impurities, salt and water present in oil will causes problems in operations as well as in maintenance which includes abrasion, fouling of equipment, corrosion and poisoning of catalysts in processing division. Oil desalting systems is very effective methods to reduce water and salt content from oil. The system is embedded with different components such as electrodes, level control device, process levels, mud wash. Oil desalting systems is usually the primary process in the upstream operations. On the basis of specification, oil desalting systems is dependent on a few fundamental parameters such as Pressure, temperature, flow rate and fluid viscosity.

vacuum dehydrator

A vacuum dehydrator is a total water removal machine designed to be attached to an online or offline system/reservoir/barrel to remove all free & emulsified water and upwards of 90%+ of dissolved water.


In a nutshell, a vacuum dehydrator heats the oil (130-160F), if necessary, and draws a vacuum (18-27"Hg) on the oil. Raising the temperature while drawing a vacuum causes water to flash to steam at a temperature low enough not to cause thermal breakdown of the oil.

At sea level, water flashes to steam at 212F. The target zone for vacuum dehydration is 130-160F, but the oil will dictate this temperature. A very stable synthetic oil may require a hotter temperature than a standard mineral oil. Draw a higher vacuum to flash water to steam at a lower temperature (keeping in mind a higher vacuum is slower water removal than lower vacuum, so choose your balance between low temperature and water removal rate).

If there is excess water in your system, check out our vacuum dehydrator. It works with any system and on all oils from mineral base to synthetic to exotic, ranging up to ISOVG1000 oils. Best of all, it's guaranteed to remove the unwanted water in your system to your target of <100ppm and further if needed.

There are other ways to remove free water from the system, such as water-absorbing filter elements and coalesce technology on limited oils without aggressive additive packages. However, to possess the capability to remove water from every oil onsite regardless of additive package or oil type or viscosity (up to ISOVG1000), a vacuum dehydrator is the only real option available for portability and complete water removal.


If you work in a sawmill, steel mill, power plant, construction site, drill rig or any place that uses hydraulics/lube/gear/compressor oils and have issues with water, give us a call. If your extra oil barrels sit outside in the environment, you will have water in your oil. The barrel breathes in/out with temperature change. It's not a matter of if, but when we will need to address water contamination for what it is, an unwanted contaminant. You don't want it there. It's doing damage as we speak.

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Parc Technologies Pte Ltd.
No.1 Sophia Road,
#04-26, Peace Centre, Singapore 228 149. Tel:+65-68111307,fax:+65-68111310
E-mail: sales@parctec.com

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